Jubilee Christmas
We are so Blessed to have been the host of our 11th Annual Daviess County Jubliee Christmas program. December 10 2017 First Christian Church and Westminster Presbyterian parner up and creat an evening of gift shopping and wrapping for our local families. The parents enjoyed the trips to the Jubilee Shop selecting and wrapping gifts for their kiddos to open on Christmas morning.,
This is what one parent says Jubilee Christmas meant to her:
“The program helps us because I am disabled and on limited incomeand it shows that there are people out there that care about othersand that care about their families. I was raised on miracles and to believe an not to ever give-up, no matter what. That is how I want mykids to do and to believe always that God gave His only Son to help usand that there is a time and season for everything and He provides allthe time.”
“What does the Lord Require of you, but to do Justice, Love Kindenss and Walk Humbly with your God” Micha 6:8
The Power House
The Power House is a teen center that offers a positive atmosphere after school where youths can do homework or just hang out in a safe environment. Modeled after other PowerHouses in Indiana, offerings have expanded to include sports leagues, wilderness trips and other activities, according to Director Sean Terry. – See more at: http://www.washtimesherald.com/local/x535470724/PowerHouse-reaches-out-to-families#sthash.o8nSz9Pk.dpuf
We support the Power House youth ministry with gas money for trips, tickets to concerts, some occations food and volunteers when asked. The Power House has done some amazing things in our comuntiy for the young folks age 14 -18.
Reverse Offering
Westminster Presbyterian Church starts their reverse offering for the month of November of can goods and other non-perishable food items. Everyone picks up a food item from the offering plate for the four weeks prior to Thanksgiving and brings in as much as they can afford to buy. This is our way of replenishing the food pantry called , Feed My Sheep
This year we collected 381 pounds of food.
In 2017 we gave over $883.00 for food to be purchased.
Change for Change Missions
Donate your spare cahnge to make a lasting impact in your community Below are some of the initiatives we support. Each week we drop our extra change in a change bucket and assign a program to give it to.